Sunday 8 March 2009

Steaming Ahead.

Steam is one of the largest gaming communities out there at the moment. And they have found what is a gap in the gaming market. which is - being able to purchase your games online, and instantly play them after downloading.
It then remembers all the purchased games you have and you are then able to access and download your games from any PC, via your account.
You can see more here

They also give the user access to servers and to special offers and updates for the game as soon as they are released .
Think of Itunes but with games.

And here you can check the amount of users in 48 hours

The hosting program - Steam- is completely free but was created by Valve, which released games like Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat, Left for Dead. Their two most famous being Counter Strike and the Half Life series.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Compromised - The Story line

November 2008, Alex Kane sits in the corner of his cell. Unsure if its night or day, not knowing what time it is. She enters holding a syringe “Mr Kane, ready to confess?” “I’ve told you- I don’t remember anything.”
Weak from hunger - Alex tries to bat the syringe away but it feeble in his attempt to do so. The needle stabs into arm, his skin as white as the clothes he is wearing. The last thing he sees before he passes out is the Doctor’s face. He is still conscious – he can feel his head spinning, he comes too – in his old bedroom where he used to live. The phone rings “the file of your next target, it’s on your desk…” the phone cuts off. Looking down, opening the file, a series of mug shots of the same man, a list of his habits, where he tends to eat, and what train he gets on for work. He stares at the calendar on one of his bare walls. December 2006.

A man sits on the station platform waiting for a train little does he know that a .75 Caliber sniper rifle is being trained on him.
Standing on a bridge along the railway track the gunner, ( insert name- Alex Kane?) too far away for the victim to be seen takes his shot. A shot rings out, police sirens wail. The gunner runs.

He sits down on the station platform bench, cold, waiting and knowing that what will happen next is something that is inevitable. He speaks into the mouthpiece hidden in his jacket button “Target in sight.” Noise emits from his earpiece. “Confirmed, Target tracking, about to take shot”. More chatter from the radio. He stands up, shaking but not from the cold, yet showing a calm stance. He hears the gunshot, and feels the cool, sharp, metal drill through the side of his head, knocking him to the ground. His cheek against the frosted concrete he can see the gunner running, then, nothing.

Snow Day video and Course Work film notes

Well there I was a week with no school ( pretty much) and so the first day my cousin, my brother, dog and me went off to do some sledging on the golf course. I made it in Windows Movie Maker probably the most useless video editing program ever created and littered with bugs i had to navigate around. But i just simply woke up with the urge to capture probably one of the rare occasions which happen in life which are snow days. So here is the finished product - in all its ugly cutting glory and terrific sound quality!

The Song is "World at Large" by Modest Mouse

The video I'm filming with Jerome and Bobbi is going really well and some great ideas and ways to translate the story from imagination to film is good. But you never get what you imagined - as you don't have a large film company backing you up. We've had to tweak things here and there - the main tweak is shifting one scene to a canal where it was going to be on a bridge. However i turned out that it looked a lot better than using the station.

What I will do is in my next post is paste in the story of it.

Monday 19 January 2009

The Duddy Magnus (Revisited)

Well, it has been an awful long time since I last blogged but I come back to school and blogger with pictures of my continuity task.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

The eygptian light bulb

In some ways me being off on two consecutive Thursdays has still been productive. For the whole time I was watching what ever rubbish was on TV. There was a documentary about "If we are alone in the universe?" and instead of being one that said yeah there could be life , but this guy says no.
It showed some proof and the "for" argument was based on this drawing, I found it fascinating. They used vases filled with vinegar and using two metals - copper and tin they produced a current. And they showed that it actually worked on the doc. So whilst we were hacking away at our sticks in caves the Egyptians had already began to invent blu-ray....

Sunday 16 November 2008

Skins trailer- the representation of the youth

I chose a trailer of skins which was 1 minute long, showing a house party in full swing.

The trailer had only non diagetic sound which only one song was played throughout the whole clip. It was fast paced, with drums, guitars and synthesizers playing throughout sounding very modern and electronic – something which young people would listen to. Therefore the music represented young people.

The fast beat worked well with the editing of the trailer which was a fast paced montage of clips and made the whole trailer flow – the longest clip in the trailer was about 4 seconds. So the cutting was quick, disjointed and random e.g. Shots of people dancing, kissing or taking drugs. Not one cut followed through with the other cut. There are also shots of generally youthful behaviour: people having foam and water gun fights, there is a shot of a teen riding around on a tricycle with wacky glasses laughing and someone is dressed up as a teddy bear. There are kiddie like items used in conjunction with adult or supposed to be adult actions like taking drugs, smoking and drinking. This represents the teens in the middle of this transition from childhood to adulthood. It almost seemed like the fast paced blur of images would be what you would see if you were in a party and were drunk – this represents youth in the way that they are mainly stereotyped into drinking too much and being disorganized – like the editing.

The camera does only one establishing shot which was a high angle was shot showing the whole room – the shot shows the room of the house filled to the brim with people dancing, throwing pillows and standing on tables – showing the freedom, fun and immaturity of youth. All the camera work apart from that establishing shot is done from eye line height or from a point of view as if you were a person watching it all happen. Some of the clips shown have a bright light highlighting the detail they want the audience to pick up on i.e. There are pills on a table with hands scrabbling from them - this is shown with an extreme close up and the light which picks up the pills – adding shock. But to me it also seems like the same light you would see in a camera flash. Like party photos from Facebook. Where some of the photos taken are tilted, a close up of someone’s dazzled face or overly bright flashes but it is like instead of a photo the whole thing was filmed. There are also strobe lights used to produce the same effect. This adds to the chaotic, frenzied and hyperactive atmosphere of the party trailer and represents youths as being hyperactive, juvenile and irresponsible.

Youth is shown to be loud, carefree and energetic from the clothes that they all wear. The boys tend to wear relatively bright clothes, mainly t-shirts and sunglasses. However some are just wearing bright skinny jeans to nothing but y-fronts. The same implies to the girls who are over made up, wearing bright clothing, or wearing something like a brightly coloured bikini with jeans. They all seem to have wet messed up hair; probably from the water fight; sweat or spilt drinks.

One thing noticed about their clothing is that it all stood out with this bright light constantly on them and made the background colours of the furniture , carpet and wallpaper seem rather bland. The teenagers seemed to stand out even more so, this makes the audience focus on the teenagers and also making a their actions seem more extreme and exaggerated.

Towards the end of the seen we the irresponsibility of youth shine out as we see a large amount of people being sick or about to be, people arguing and breaking vases and glasses.

At the end there is a close up of the main characters all passed out which then zooms out to see the rest of the party group also in the same situation with a heartbeat sound effect playing. This shows how they are all still children and them being asleep shows how they are also still vulnerable even though they want to drink and party.